Organic Learning in Undergraduate Library Instruction


Organic Learning
Student-Driven Learning
Student-Centric Learning
Active Learning
Constructivist Learning
Autonomous Learning
Self-Directed Learning
Student-Centered Learning
Individualized Learning
Student-Regulated Learning

How to Cite

Nagra, K. A., & López-Fitzsimmons, B. M. (2019). Organic Learning in Undergraduate Library Instruction. International Journal of Librarianship, 4(1), 72–92.
Received 2019-05-16
Accepted 2019-06-28
Published 2019-07-30


Organic learning engages undergraduates in discovering new knowledge based on prior learning through variety of guided activities that stimulate inquiry-based learning and critical thinking in the research process. Some activities include searching, browsing, accessing, gathering, evaluating, assessing, reflecting, organizing, linking, and synthesizing.  Learning how to access information by using a variety of search strategies as well as delivery platforms such as Google, discovery, individual databases, and the internet can be overwhelming and challenging.  When students discover how to search and access desired sources through a variety of explicitly designed information literacy instructions with clearly defined learning outcomes, they take ownership of developing their learning and research skills. Through organic learning, they experience lightbulb moments, asking questions, discussing topics, and then searching again for more information.  Organic learning unconsciously involves students in self-education, engaging them in the research process without pressuring them to practice redundant, rote exercises. Often undergraduates encounter difficulty in conceptualizing the research process as complex and multi-faceted. The authors argue that organic learning strategies to activate prior learning that builds advanced searching skills and increase new scholarly knowledge.


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