This study assesses the theft and mutilation of library resources at Walton Whaley Library (WWL) at Valley View University, in Ghana. The study adopted a mixed-method approach; thus, copies of questionnaire and interviews were used to gather data for the study.
The quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed with the help of Nvivo version 11 and IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM-SPSS version 21.0). The study found that most of the users were aware of the security policies in the library. The prominent factors influencing theft and mutilation are a weak security system, the absence of closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras, inadequate staff, the selfish interests of the perpetrators, and a lack of security personnel at the main entrance. To curb this phenomenon, certain security measures, such as the installation of electronic security devices, security personnel at the main entrance, physical body checks on users entering and exiting the Library, as well as staff surveillance are needed. The study recommended an effective and efficient security system, the vigilance of library staff, the acquisition of multiple books in high demand, availability and accessibility of photocopying services. The study suggested harsh punishment for perpetrators who breach library rules.
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