This study was carried out at the Sokoine University of Agriculture Library also known as the Sokoine National Agricultural Library (SNAL) in Tanzania. It focuses on factors that influence postgraduate students' use of Libhub for accessing information at the Sokoine University (Main Campus). Specifically, the study aimed at analyzing level of SNAL’s postgraduate student awareness on Libhub services, identifying factors that influence postgraduate students to use Libhub for information access, and find out challenges deterring SNAL postgraduate students’ to access information using Libhub tool. The study used a single case study design and a mixed approach to collect data. A sample size of the study comprised of 54 respondents, where by 49 were postgraduate students and 5 were SNAL library staff members. The Library staffs were purposively selected and postgraduate students were conveniently selected. Questionnaire and interviews were the main instruments used to collect data. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS, Excel (Spreadsheet), and Microsoft Office Word and were presented using figures and tables, and qualitative data were content analyzed. Study findings revealed that majority of respondents agreed that the relevance of the information available through Libhub is one of the key factors for using and accessing information through Libhub. The finding further shows that inadequacy of computer and information literacy skills and lack of technical and ICT infrastructure are the main concerns. Researchers suggest that it is essential to create formal education and other procedures of creating awareness about the use value of Libhub for cutting across both Students and Library Management broadly.
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