From a Divided Library in a Divided City to One Library in Two Houses: A Centennial for a Great European Research Library Reunited and Restored


Research Libraries
International Librarianship

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Kinney, D. W. (2018). From a Divided Library in a Divided City to One Library in Two Houses: A Centennial for a Great European Research Library Reunited and Restored. International Journal of Librarianship, 3(2), 36–52.


The Berlin State Library—Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation probably suffered more from the vicissitudes of the twentieth century than any other German cultural institution. It experienced the destruction of the building and the evacuation and loss of collections.  Like Berlin, it was divided after World War II and was reunited after Berlin was reunited.  In 2018, the library marks a century since the establishment of the Prussian State Library.  But the legacy of the past century remains.  Significant collections are still held in Eastern European libraries and the library must undertake the restitution of books acquired directly or indirectly through Nazi persecution.  This article draws upon resources written in German and English to present the story of an important library that was under duress for much of the twentieth century.  It discusses the impact of different historical eras on the library as a cultural institution and on the documentary heritage embodied in the library's rich collections.  Although problems caused by these events remain, with reunification and restoration, the library is once again serving international scholarship and preserving an important part of the world's documentary heritage.


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