This paper examines the establishment, growth, achievements, and future planning of the CALA Canada Chapter. Since its inception in June 2018, the Chapter has experienced significant growth, with the number of members doubling, and the number of life members also doubling. Currently there are a total of thirty members in the Chapter, comprising ten life members, eight overseas members, and seven student members, with the majority residing or working in Ontario. The Chapter has achieved notable milestones, including the organization of successful events such as conferences, workshops, and networking sessions. The Chapter has also contributed to the development of the library profession in Canada, particularly by promoting diversity and inclusivity. Looking forward, the Chapter plans to expand its reach and increase its membership by promoting itself in other regions of the country. The Chapter aims to continue providing valuable resources, programs, and opportunities for its members to enhance their professional development and foster collaboration. Through these efforts, the Canada Chapter aims to play an essential role in advancing the library profession in Canada and promoting its growth and innovation.
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