Our Journey of Building Trust

How to Cite

Mi, X., Bolefski, A., Lu, M., & Mi, X. (2023). Our Journey of Building Trust: Case studies of BIPOC Women Leaders in Academic Libraries. International Journal of Librarianship, 8(2), 47–62. https://doi.org/10.23974/ijol.2023.vol8.2.293
Received 2023-03-09
Accepted 2023-06-12
Published 2023-06-22


This article showcases the authors’ personal journeys of building trust with their teams as BIPOC women leaders in the academic libraries. The article attempts to focus on trust-building with team members through changes either at personal level or at a larger professional context level. This paper elucidates challenges and opportunities that BIPOC leaders are experiencing in their roles in academic library settings as well as how junior and mid-level leaders develop their skill sets to facilitate their effort in trust-building. Literature searches show that study and research in the area of BIPOC leadership in the library context are sparse. The authors strive to contribute to the area, share the experience of building trust in their teams as a leader and invite BIPOC peers to explore possibilities of building trust and advancing their careers in the library leadership path.



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