The official opening of Shanghai Library East on September 28, 2022 marked the full implementation of FOLIO platform in the Shanghai Library. The Shanghai Library has developed and implemented applications for library traditional and smart services based on the FOLIO technical framework. This paper mainly introduces the process, difficulties, and solutions during the FOLIO implementation in the Shanghai Library, and provides a summary of the various activities of a Chinese library network (the Yunhan Alliance) established in 2021.
About FOLIO. https://www.folio.org/about/
About Shanghai library. https://www.library.sh.cn/info/intro
FOLIO Community Council. https://wiki.folio.org/display/CC
FOLIO documentation web site. https://docs.folio.org/
FOLIO Member Organizations. https://wiki.folio.org/display/CC/FOLIO+Member+Organizations
FOLIO Products Council meeting. https://wiki.folio.org/display/PC/2022-10-20+Meeting+Notes
FOLIO Releases Home. https://wiki.folio.org/display/REL/Releases+Home
FOLIO wiki website. https://wiki.folio.org/
Liu, W., Ji, T. (2021). Yunhan and the Smart Library: Adapting to the Future with Open⁃ ness [J]. Journal of Library Science in China, 47(06):50-61. DOI:10.13530/j.cnki.jlis.2021045.
Members of Yunhan Alliance. https://www.calsp.cn/about/members/
New Era, New power: 2022 World Open Library alliance Asia pacific conference and China Yunhan community annual conference. https://www.calsp.cn/2022/07/26/con-15/
News letters of Smart library technology and application. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsgalbum?__biz=MzIyOTExNzgwMA==&action=getalbum&album_id=2083266140264284163&scene=173&from_msgid=2649469032&from_itemidx=1&count=3&nolastread=1#wechat_redirect
Seminars of Smart library technology and application. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsgalbum?__biz=MzIyOTExNzgwMA==&action=getalbum&album_id=1994528823383506949&scene=173&from_msgid=2649468560&from_itemidx=2&count=3&nolastread=1#wechat_redirect
Shanghai library east opened the public beta. https://www.library.sh.cn/article/1107
Shanghai Library east was officially opened. https://www.library.sh.cn/article/1119
Smart library technology and application alliance. https://www.calsp.cn/
Standard Interchange Protocol [EB/OL].[2023-02-02]. https://www.niso.org/standards-committees/sip
The annual circulation exceeded 50 million in the "one-card" alliance of Shanghai Central Library. https://www.mct.gov.cn/whzx/qgwhxxlb/sh/201411/t20141120_781650.htm
VuFind in Shanghai Library. https://vufind.library.sh.cn/
WOLFcon2022 China special content introduction. https://www.calsp.cn/2022/09/19/bulletin-202209-01/
Yunhan DEMO Platform & Yunhan Application Market. https://www.calsp.cn/2022/06/20/bulletin-202206-04/
Zhang, C., Zhang, L., & Zhou, G. (2020). Open Source Creates the Future of Library: A Summary of the World Open Library Foundation (WOLFcon) in 2020[J]. The Library Journal, 39(06):4-10. DOI:10.13663/j.cnki.lj.2020.06.001.
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