The study was carried out with a view to investigating the influence of the utilisation of media resources on the productivity of public polytechnic lecturers in South-west, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted while close-ended questionnaire was used for data collection. A total of 735 copies of questionnaire were administered to the lecturers, while 711 (96.7%) were returned and considered appropriate for data analysis. The data collected was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings from the study revealed availability of media resources to the lecturers and that printed and non-print resources topped the list of resources available to the respondents. Also, the study established regular use of media resources by the lecturers. They made use of media resources on regular basis and majorly for the purposes of preparing lecture notes, research and publications, obtaining general knowledge, paper presentation and proposals. High level of productivity, likewise positive significant relationship between media resource utilisation and job productivity of the respondents were established. The study recommended that modern and relevant media resources be provided for the lecturers to improve academic productivity, and that the lecturers should put in more efforts in attending and participating in seminars, workshops and conferences by presenting more papers and writing more journal articles to enhance productivity level.
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