The resiliency of librarians is tested once again with the devastating occurrence of the pandemic situation worldwide. As a result of the global scare, many libraries have shut down as prescribed by the governments to minimize physical contact and stop the spread of viruses. Yet, libraries live up to its mandate in serving the information needs of its patrons. This report documents the role of libraries in Kazakhstan during the pandemic and how libraries responded quickly to avoid disruption of programs and services. This document also describes some of the “new normal” initiatives and strategies libraries have adapted to respond to the needs of their clients. On the other hand, librarians are stepping-up and making enormous efforts to manage their call of duty to provide and distribute factual and reliable information to all its stakeholders. Adapting to a change of working environment also needs to be looked into. Since the start of work from home in mid-March 2020, was there a change of lifestyle? What factors affect their work productivity? An online interview among select library staff who can speak and understand English is conducted.
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