Using NLP to Generate MARC Summary Fields for Notre Dame ’s Catholic Pamphlets

How to Cite

Flannery, J. (2020). Using NLP to Generate MARC Summary Fields for Notre Dame ’s Catholic Pamphlets. International Journal of Librarianship, 5(1), 20–35.
Received 2020-06-23
Published 2020-07-23


Three NLP (Natural Language Processing) automated summarization techniques were tested on a special collection of Catholic Pamphlets acquired by Hesburgh Libraries. The automated summaries were generated after feeding the pamphlets as .pdf files into an OCR pipeline. Extensive data cleaning and text preprocessing were necessary before the computer summarization algorithms could be launched. Using the standard ROUGE F1 scoring technique, the Bert Extractive Summarizer technique had the best summarization score. It most closely matched the human reference summaries. The BERT Extractive technique yielded an average Rouge F1 score of 0.239. The Gensim python package implementation of TextRank scored at .151. A hand-implemented TextRank algorithm created summaries that scored at 0.144. This article covers the implementation of automated pipelines to read PDF text, the strengths and weakness of automated summarization techniques, and what the successes and failures of these summaries mean for their potential to be used in Hesburgh Libraries.


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Copyright (c) 2020 Jeremiah Flannery


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