In 2007, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library kicked off a conference series with the main theme of ‘Academic Librarian.’ In 2016, the fourth conference of the series entitled Academic Librarian 4: Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond was co-organized by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Library and the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library. The Academic Librarian 4 Conference addresses the multi-dimensional issues of sustainability pertaining to academic libraries under four major themes: (1) Sustainable Environment; (2) Sustainable Resources; (3) Sustainable Technologies; and (4) Sustainable Services. Apart from reviewing the key issues concerning the sustainability of academic libraries brought up by the conference papers, the author also highlights the way in which the Academic Librarian 4 Conference made every effort to make this a sustainable library event.
About the Conference. (May 18, 2019). Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic
Libraries: Now and Beyond. Retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/
Beasley, G., Rosseel, T. (2016, June). Leaning into sustainability at University of Alberta
Libraries. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/3-Theme3_Beasley_Gerald_LTB.pdf.
Bookhart, D. (2016, June). Aligning student learning with a sustainability mindset. Paper
presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/1-Guest-Speech_Bookhart_Davis_LTA.pdf.
Caboara, M. (2016, June). The HKUST Ancient Map of China Collection – the next
step: from digital images to GIS and datamining. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/2-Theme2_Caboara_Marco_LTA.pdf.
Caplan, V., Wong, E.S.P. (2016, June). Diversity within unity: developing sustainable
information literacy teams. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/4-Theme4_Caplan_Victoria_LTA.pdf.
Charney, M. (2016, June). Academic libraries as sustainability hubs: evolving with our
campus community and within our profession. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/1-Keynote_Theme1_Charney_LTA.pdf.
Chen, K.L. (2016, June). Sustainable lighting design for libraries. Paper presented at the
Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/1-Theme1_Chen_Koli_LTB.pdf.
Cheng, C.H. (2016, June). Green computing: a central IT service perspective. Paper
presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/1-Theme3_Cheng_Che-Hoo_LTB.pdf.
Cmor, D. (2016, June). Strategies for sustainable services in academic libraries. Paper
presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/3-Theme4_Dianne_Cmor_LTB.pdf.
Foster, M., Evans, M. (2016, June). Libraries creating sustainable services during community
crisis: documenting Ferguson. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/3-Theme4_Foster_Makiba_LTA.pdf.
Han, M.J. (2016, June). Establishing sustainable workflows for cataloging and metadata
services. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/3-Theme3_Han_Myung-Ja_LTA.pdf.
Hauke, P. (2016, June). Environmental sustainability – a marketing tool for libraries. Paper
presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/2-Theme1_Hauke_Petra_LTB.pdf.
Helmer, J.F. (2016, June). Transformative collaboration in academic libraries. Paper
presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/2-Keynote_Theme3_Helmer_LTA.pdf.
Hockey, J. (2016, June). Anywhere, anytime, any device – redefining enquiry services at the
University of South Australia Library. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/2-Theme4_Hockey_Julie_LTB.pdf.
Hockx-Yu, H. (2016, June). Web archiving: practices and options for academic libraries.
Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/1-Keynote_Theme2_Hockx-Yu_LTA.pdf.
How green is my library? (2015). ACCESS. Retrieved from
Hussong-Christian, U. (2016, June). If you build it, will they sort it? Composting in the
academic library learning commons. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/3-Theme1_Hussong-Christian_Uta_LTA.pdf.
Jones, L. (2013) Partnering for Success 2013-2016. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
University Library System. Retrieved from http://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/sites/cuhk/files/page/about/people/inside-the-library-strategic-plan.pdf
Jones, L., Wong, W. (2016a, June). More than just a green building: developing green
strategies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/5-Theme1_Jones_Louise_LTA.pdf.
Jones, L., Wong, W. (2016b). More than just a green building: developing green strategies at
the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library. Library Management, 37(6/7): 373-384.
Li, H.P. (2016, June). Built to succeed: sustainable learning environment at UC Merced
Library. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/2-Theme1_Li_Haipeng_LTA.pdf.
Liu, P.W. (2007). Welcoming message from the Pro-Vice Chancellor, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong. In C. Storey (ed.), The Academic Librarian, Dinosaur or Phoenix? : Die or Fly in Library Change Management (p.2). Hong Kong: University Library System, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Meador, J. (2016, June). Making strategic combinations/consolidations to ensure sustainable
relevance. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/4-Theme2_Meador_John_LTA.pdf.
McRostie, D. (2016, June). The only constant is change: evolving the library support model
for research at the University of Melbourne. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/4-Theme4_McRostie_Donna_LTB.pdf.
Oetomo, S, Kealy, K. (2016, June). Bringing excellence and innovation to and through
student employment: how employing the student voice leads to a better holistic student experience and propels sustainable growth with sustainable resources. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/1-Theme2_Kealy_Karen_LTB.pdf.
Organ, M. (2016, June). Sustaining a library digitisation program: the UOW experience.
Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/3-Theme2_Organ_Michael_LTA.pdf.
Our approach to sustainability. (May 17, 2019). Sustainability at CUHK. Retrieved from
Owen, G. (2016, June). Delivering a shared library management system for Wales. Paper
presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/4-Theme3_Owen_Gareth_LTA.pdf.
Penaflor, J. (2016, June). Beyond ‘Likes’: an assessment of user engagement in Facebook
among Philippine academic libraries. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. Abstract retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/presentations/#penaflor.
Phillips, A. (2016, June). Educating at scale: sustainable library learning at the University of
Melbourne Library. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/5-Theme4_Phillips_Andrea_LTA.pdf.
Pionke, J.J. (2016, June). Sustainable library services for all. Paper presented at the
Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/6-Theme4_Pionke_JJ_LTA.pdf.
Priestner, A. (2016, June). Employing UX research methods to design better library services.
Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/1-Keynote_Theme4_Priestner_LTA.pdf.
Sorensen, C., Sarjeant-Jenkins, R. (2016, June). Sustainable growth with sustainable
resources: using change management, participative consultation, and grassroots planning for a new future. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/2-Theme2_Sorensen_Charlene_LTB.pdf.
Spodick, E. (2016, June). Sustainability – it’s everyone’s job. Paper presented at the
Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/3-Theme1_Spodick_Edward_LTB.pdf.
Sustainability Policy. (May 17, 2019). The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Retrieved
from http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpso/documents/sustainability_policy_2012.pdf
Tsang, D.C., Gelfand, J.M. (2016, June). The changing landscape of research library
collections: ensuring realistic sustainability. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/3-Theme2_Tsang_Daniel_LTB.pdf.
Vilks, A. (2016, June). The ‘Castle of Light’: green technologies of the new National Library
of Latvia building. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/4-Theme1_Andris_Vilks_LTA.pdf.
Weng, C., Ackerman, E. (2016, June). Towards sustainable partnership: examining cross
perceptions of public and technical services academic librarians. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/4-Theme2_Weng_Cathy_LTB.pdf.
Williamson, V. (2016, June).The academic librarian as the missing link: sustainable
leadership and the discipline of librarianship for a 21st century profession. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/5-Theme2_Williamson_Vicki_LTA.pdf.
Wong, R.S.H. (2016, June). Digital humanities and libraries: measuring the involvement of
libraries and other core contributors to digital humanities through an authorship study. Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/5-Theme3_Wong_Rebekah_LTA.pdf
Yates, S., Han, A. (2016, June). Developing eLearning skills in the library: an evaluation.
Paper presented at the Academic Librarian 4 – Sustainable Academic Libraries: Now and Beyond, Hong Kong. PowerPoint presentation retrieved from https://library.ust.hk/al4/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/07/2-Theme4_Yates_Steven_LTA.pdf.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Leo F.H. Ma